Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day Tea Party

We went to our first Tea Party. Yes, we are 100% supportive of the Tea Party Movement. It was very exciting.

Held at the Lone Star Park in Grand Prairie, we went to the Tea Party with friends from Grapevine, Mike and Alpha Smith.

There were a lot of speakers there, including talk show host, Mark Davis, founding father Thomas Paine, some doctors and political group leaders.

The crowd was large, extimated at between 10,000 and 18,000, according to which news report you listened to. Many people were taking a picture of the a black tea partier who was holding a sign that read, "Quit Calling Me a Racist!" We loved it! (See photo)

A great big post card was set up for anyone to sign. It was to be brought to Obama in Washington by a few volunteers. Joni and Mike signed the card (see photo).

We have gotten very political lately and feel very strongly that our country is in big trouble. Please support the conservative movement to "take back our country" and get rid of Obama, Palosi, Reid and all the progressives who are in the process of distroying our freedoms and liberties.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Visiting NY and NH

After returning to Texas, Joni took a quick trip to New York and New Hamphire. No, not in the motorhome..... Delton stayed in Texas.

Joni visited her son Jim and his wife, Barbara, for a weekend in New York City.
And then went to New Hampshire to visit her Mom. She was also able to visit with her brother, Rich and his wife, Adele, who live a few miles from Mom. See Joni with her Mom.

Jim recently bought a Harley. Barbara, Joni and Barbara's parents are all a little nervous about Jim riding a Harley in NEW YORK CITY!!! Jim , BE CAREFUL!!!!

When Jim asked Joni to go for a ride, she was not real excited about it, but, being a GOOD MOM, she said OK! Jim took her on a quick ride from his apartment to Times Square and back. One picture is taken in front of Jim and Barbara's apartment. The other is taken in Times Square. Jim was very careful, most of the time! He wanted to give Mom a thrill........ We made it back safe and sound! He is very excited about having a Harley.

It is always great to see Barbara's parents, June and Joe. We all went out to diner one evening and spent a day in Central Park also. Central Park is beautiful. NYC would not be the same without the Park. The temp was a little chilly, but it was a beautiful day for "a walk in the park." Pictures show us all enjoying our walk.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Passing Through Destin

We left Ocean Resorts right after Easter. It was hard leaving the Florida beaches, especially this year. It was such a cold winter that Joni didn't get her fill of the warm beaches.

So, we stopped in Destin for 3 nights, on our way back to Texas. We stayed at a park called Topsail, a beautiful park on the Destin beach. Again, the weather was a little chilly, but we were able to get some beach time in.

The panhandle of Florida has some of the best beaches on the U.S. coast.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter Sunrise

We stayed at Ocean Resorts until after Easter Sunday so that we could attend the Sunrise Service on the beach. A big cross is erected in the sand, sound equipment is set up, and everyone brings their own chairs.

Crowds started to gather early. It's very hard for Joni to get up before the sun comes up, but we could hear everyone walking to the beach because our motor home site is by the entrance to the park facing the ocean.

The sunrise was beautiful. Christ has truly risen!