Saturday, October 18, 2008

Joni Visits Jim and Barbara

On Joni's way back to Texas from New Hamphire, she decided to stop in NYC to visit her son, Jim, and his wife, Barbara.

A bike ride through the Bronx was scheduled for that same weekend, so we rode in it. There were a few thousand bike riders which took part. We started near the new Yankee Stadium (pictured) and rode about 30 miles around the Bronx, riding through some areas we wouldn't have gone through without the safety of many riders and a police escort. We took the subway to get to the starting point and then again to get back to Manhatten.

It was a very chilly day with morning temperatures in the 40's and warmed only into the 50's, but it was a great day for a ride. You can see how chilly Jim was.....doesn't he look cold? Pictured is the highway which went to the George Washington Bridge with the sign for the exit.

Joni also got to visit with Barbara's parents, June and Joe. Joe gets alot of kidding these days, as he is actually "Joe and Plumber". His name is really Joe and he is really a plumber. Go Joe!!!!! Pictured are all of us in Jim and Barabara's apartment.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Joni Visits New Hamphire

After our year long trip throughout the west, we were finally back in Texas. But, Joni wasn't there long before she went to New Hamphire to visit her Mom and brother. Leaving Delton behind, she flew to New Hamphire for a few days.

Mom is doing great. She seems happy and healthy and has just completed her first year in New Hamphire, having moved there from Florida last year.

It was a beautiful time of the year to visit the northeast. The leaves were full of color and the temperatures were ideal. Pictured is Mom in her backyard at the Spruce Wood Inn, where she lives. Also pictured is Mom with some of her friends in the lounge at SpruceWood. There are many nice people there and Mom has made some nice friends.

Joni also enjoyed visiting with her brother, Rich, and his wife, Adele, their son, Justin, and his girlfriend, Amanda. They have a mutual interest in motorcycles. Harley's in particular. Pictured is the group getting ready for a ride. Be Careful!
It's nice for Mom to be close to family, as Rich and Adele live only a few miles from her.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ken and Ann Montgomery

While we were visiting the Doty's, they told us that Ken and Ann Montgomery were also living in the area. Ken was our music minister at First Baptist Trophy Club and has directed some of our elaborate Christmas and Easter pagents. They only lived a few minutes away from Delton's son, Chris, so we decided to give them a call.
We spent 2 evenings with them. The first one was a visit to their house. The second one was for diner at their house and tour of their church. They have a lovely home. They live there with their 2 girls, Hannah and Sarah and 2 dogs and a cat. We remember when Hannah was born, in the midst of one of our pageants at FBC Trophy Club.

Ken is the Worship Minister for First Baptist in Bentonville, Arkansas. The church is beautiful, as you can see in the pictures. There are many very talented people in their choir and orchester. Ken gave us a few CDs of their pageants to listen to. They sounded very professional. Ken and Ann love their church and life in Arkansas.

We loved visiting with them. If anyone from Trophy Club is in the Branson area, they would love to see you.