Upon leaving Delton’s High School Football team reunion, we decided to go back to Inks Lake for 2 weeks before heading back to the DFW area.
We thought the weather would be great and the hot weather would be gone, BUT the temperature was over 100 degrees for 10 out the 14 days we were at Inks Lake. Texas just didn’t want to cool down. Joni actually enjoyed the weather because she felt like she missed summer – being up north all summer.

We got to see some old friends and made some new friends while we were there. Pictured are Robert and Lynette - park host friends we enjoyed getting to know.

Delton caught some catfish (which we enjoyed eating with our friend Robert) and Joni loved paddling around in her kayak. .

We left Inks Lake and headed to Lake Ray Roberts – HOME. Joni was so excited to be back home. We got right back into the old routine – just like we still lived here. We’re involved in church, choir, old friends (Kathy and Skip McKie are pictured) and family. It’s good to be back!
One day while Joni was riding her bike around the campground, she noticed a car driving slowing past our campsite. The man was in the car and the woman was walking along the car, taking notes on the camp sites. Joni overheard them talking and heard them mention our campsite. We were originally scheduled to move out of our site the next day, but had decided to stay a few more days. Joni felt she should mention that to the people in the car, so they would choose a different site. WE HAD THE BEST SITE IN THE CAMP GROUND! Well, she rode her bike up to the car to talk to them and after a few minutes, the man extended his hand to introduce himself.

It was MARK DAVIS, popular local and national radio talk show host. He and his family were riding around looking for a good site to reserve so he could park his boat right at the site. How exciting that was!!! Joni talked to them for about 20 minutes, mostly about RVing and traveling around the country. Maybe he will use the topic of “Fulltime RVing” for a topic on his show one day.
Another funny thing happened while at Lake Ray Roberts. Joni was out paddling in her blow up kayak one afternoon, when she noticed a guy (about 25 years old) riding around on his wave runner. She noticed that he was stopping and starting a lot and thought he was just playing around. Actually, he was having engine trouble. Finally he caught Joni’s attention and asked if she would tow him to the bank around the lake (not very far away). She tied a rope around her waist and he held the other end of the rope and she started to paddle. It was hard – against the wind and all. Finally, when they realized they weren’t getting anywhere, they decided to switch places. He paddled the blow up kayak and she rode on the wave runner. They slowly made their way to the other bank. Too bad no one saw them and took a picture. It was a very funny sight.
Since we’re spending so much time in our old home town, we decided to move back to the Grapevine area. We moved to a Twin Coves Park on the north side of Grapevine Lake, only a 15 minute drive to our old stomping grounds.